Wildlife on the Farm
We manage wildflower, woodland and wetland for wildlife on our farm, creating benefits both for the cattle and for our native wildlife. Read more about how our cattle and wildlife benefit each other in the photos below.

Brown Hares use our farm all year round, sharing them with the cows. The cow grazing creates areas around the farm that are suitable for shelter and raising leverets.

Pipistrelle bats and other bat species hunt round the farm, eating the small flying insects that you can inevitably find around cattle!

Hedgehogs potter round the farmyard and fields, feeding on slugs and foraging in the fields.

We have Barn Owls roosting in an old tree on our farm and they hunt over the fields where the cattle graze.

Male Cuckoos call from the woods around the farm and wait for females who lay their eggs in the nests of nearby Meadow Pipits!

Swallows visit us in the summer, breeding in our barns and feeding their chicks with the insects that are attracted by the cow dung!

Skippers and other butterflies feed on the meadow flowers around the farm, which is kept flower rich by the grazing regimes of the cattle.

Toads and frogs breed in our large garden pond and in puddles around the farm and spent their time on land foraging for insects in the meadows and woods.

Our lovely resident dung beetles do an amazing job of clearing up after our cows and keeping the meadows healthy!